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MetaSparks Videos on YouTube

Hi everyone, I've started a YouTube channel featuring my lyrical analysis of Ron and Russell Mael's songwriting for Sparks.. It's only a...

SPARKS: The dark side of No.1 In Heaven

The Number One Song In Heaven, a two-part single by Sparks in collaboration with Georgio Moroder, was the first time that a rock band had...

A Meta Guide to Lil Beethoven

Sparks’ self-proclaimed “career-defining opus” is misunderstood, and I’d like you to consider another way of looking at it. Think of it...

SPARKS: A meta guide to ‘Balls’

Sparks’ career can be neatly split into two halves. For the first half they’d switch genre, hop labels and seek out new audiences in...

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An analysis of Ron and Russell Mael’s experimental songwriting

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